The Last One

Hi there! One last post, just for closure. I’m back from Greece and have been for a couple of days now. I think. I’ve been sleeping a lot. Anyway, the trip was over and it will definitely be one of the most treasured experiences of my college career. I hope to keep the friends I made on it forever. Pictures are up on Facebook now. Hope you enjoy them!

Thanks for keeping up with me through this one of a kind experience. It’s been a blessing.

Last Day in Litochoro

Today we went to the tomb of King Philip II of Macedonia. My teacher’s teacher actually discovered it! I geeked out about that for a good bit. It was neat, except for that super mean guard lady that kept chasing everyone around and being very rude. The stuff in it was crazy. There was this one carved bit of ivory that was unbelievably delicately carved. The video at the end was creepy though.

For lunch we went to a special fish place and had fish. I sat with the professor’s kids somehow. They are something else.

Our naptime today was super short, but I still got about an hour in. Then I even got some homework done before the birthday party! That’s right, another birthday in Greece. Miss Halla had her birthday today, so we had even more chocolate cake. That was my dinner, plus some coffee ice cream. Finally reverting to my stateside eating habits.

Now…to finish the Las homework I’ll ever have in Greece. Besides that paper. Uh…

Dion and Cake

Today we went to Dion, the marshy ruins of an ancient town dedicated to Zeus.

This site was another favorite. It was weirdly homey while simultaneously alien with it ancient Roman ruins. Swamp is not a hard thing to come by on Alabama, but Greece gives even this its own unique flair. The site was gorgeous and shady, and there were tons of dragon flies. We even saw a heron! And they have have friggin HUGE dandelions. They were bigger than my fist! The walk was pleasant – although an interesting quandary. See, i like to watch where i put my feet, since I’m extremely clumsy. But on those graty stairs it’s definitely better that i not stair straight through them at the ground making me dizzy. So that was fun to try to balance out. But anyway. Great day,beautiful site. I was bouncing down the ancient roads like a five year old. I was so happy.

Later we went to the beach. Beaches bore me. But I too a nice walk,hung out with the bus driver, and took a sweaty nap. Of all the ways to spend an afternoon, it was one of them.

Today was Tatiana’s birthday! We had q good old fashioned pizza party with amazing cake. I got to sit at the table with her and have a good long conversation. The boys all sat with us, so it was…lively let’s say. A great time with some of my favorite people. And q free meal. And chocolate! Whee!

Happy birthday Dr. Summers, and happy birthday miss Haley Elizabeth O’Dell Harrison!

Climbing Mount Olympus

It’s hard, y’all. Mountains are intense.

I went for it, though. I climbed for an hour and a half before I gave up. And I still climbed a mountain. Just not, you know , all of it. It was beautiful and shady and relatively cool. I got some killer pictures, including one of Hanna on Pride Rock.

Everyone else is still climbing. They should get back around 4, and when they get their naps out we’re going to see another Venetian castle. If anyone is still up for it. I know Annie and I are in, at least.

Update on castle adventures forthcoming.


Delphi is small, but we’ve been making our own fun.

The first thing we did was travel. For several hours. I tried to sleep on the bus but I got too excited about looking at the mountains.

Our plans were changed around a bunch of times so I still am not sure what we did today. When we got to the hotel a bunch of us found some Greek board games and tried to play. At first I was just mashing buttons on an electronic thing that kept yelling RHO at me because it was apparently an alphabet game. Then Harry, Tatiana’s son, joined us and together we made up some rules to a trivia game we found. Except only harry could read the questions so I had to try to read his questions to him in Greek. That apparently wasn’t good enough for him, so soon we had all the kids playing and arguing over what words meant. The question were really random too – sometimes they were hard and scientific and once I got asked what color polar bears were. We were all yelling and getting really into it even though it was Greek naptime.

The second exciting thing that happened today was that our bus driver ate dinner with us. He has huge bushy eyebrows and a fantastic accent. He was very nice and very entertaining. He saved me from some blinds that attacked my head.

Later there is talk of a disco. We shall see.

Greek dancing

Today we saw the Olympic site and tonight we learned to Greek dance.

Olympia was good but hot. I left my notebook at the hotel but I think o did okay anyway. Some of the students raced on the ancient 200 meter track. I don’t envy them. The museum was actually one of the best sites so far as far as assignments go.

Tonight we went to a restaurant down the road and professional Greek dancers taught us traditional dances. Obviously, I was terrible but I managed not to get injured or injure anyone. Annie kept making fun of me though. And the teacher had to pull me out twice to show me how to do things right. Everyone got very into it. The boys dancing was hilarious.

Now I’m sweaty and exhausted but extremely amused, so goodnight.


Most of today we spent on a bus, but this morning! We explored a medieval castle!! It was big and beautiful and there was no security at all so we got to climb everywhere! We saw a cell where a dude went blind, and I found a little Alice door that lead to a room too dark to see, where I slid down rocks on my butt and got dirty. And yesterday we took a boat ride to some island in the Nafplio bay that used to be a prison. It was locked up a little better but we found a door that was sideways in the frame so I crawled over it. Tatiana’s daughter became my official castle buddy and we had adventures together, which is good because I have no sense of direction. Will is a castle Buffy too since he happens to be there every time I climb over something fun.

Castles are the best.


Its been a while since I updated, but it’s also been a while since anything of note happened. We’ve been in Nafplio for two days, and gone to a site each day.

Yesterday was Mycenae. It is my favorite site so far. I saw the famous Lion Gate and climbed down a well with some people. It was dark, but a great adventure. And so cool out of the burning sun.

Today we saw the theater and hospital at Epidaurus. The theater was exciting and Steve serenaded us from the acoustic spot. Now I’m doing homework with Hannah in this neat outdoor restaurant in the bay. We’re doing something on a boat later tonight.

As for the town itself…it’s just like every other beach town I’ve been to. Whatever. Everyone else says it’s their favorite, but I’m not seeing it. At least i have a boring place yo do my homework catch up and not get distracted by all the fun.

Hotel breakfast is passable.



Well, it’s been exhausting. But I haven’t gotten mugged or carried off or anything, so don’t worry.

Yesterday we went to the Parthenon. It was huge and impressive, but we had to rush through the whole thing. I got a picture with the first ever olive tree. Then we got lost on the way home, but my handy dandy GPS saved the day.

That night we went to a restaurant and had a classical feast with cheese, baked fruit, and tons of meat sat right in the middle of the table. It was amazingly amazing. And of course everyone teased me for not eating veggies. But who needs that when there are FOUR meats on the table?!

Today we went to the National Archeological Museum. It was by far the least exhausting thing we have done. And I finally had a good cup of coffee! Or three.

Tonight we go to the temple of Poseidon. For now, there us homework to be done. Kalispera.

PS, someone tell me via Facebook if my photo is weird colors.

Explorers Extraordinaire

Today we visited Akroteri. It was fun, but not a great story or anything. All of the artifacts and stuff stuffed saw in the museum the first day. The real adventures were had afterward.

We went exploring with some of the guys in town and found a street we hadn’t been down before. We followed it for a couple of hours and found one of the highest points on the island. Eventually we stopped at a restaurant to rest and drink. Nestea Peach and I are developing a close relationship here.

Not really any red letter moments, but good times were had all around. And I got to hang out with some mates I hadn’t before. In an hour we go to see the Sunset over a mountain. Kalimera, Americans!